Name | Value | Description |
xOffset | 0 | |
yOffset | 0 | |
useRails | false | if true it the spawner will detect rails |
onlyDamagePlayer | true | sets wheater the laser can damage enemies or only the player, set to true for better performance |
sprite | -1 | sets the sprite for the laser that's fired. |
imageSpeed | -1 | sets how fast the laser sprite animates |
delay | 30 | How many frames until the laser fires. |
extendSpeed | 4 | How fast the laser travels. |
variation | 1 | 0 = damage, 1 = drain |
damage | 9999 | How much damage the laser does. (Does nothing unless variation is 0 (damage)) |
drainCooldown | 4 | How many frames until the laser drains another life point. (Does nothing unless the variation is 1 (drain)) |
rotateSpeed | 0 | How fast the laser rotates. |
rotateStartDir | 1 | Which direction the laser starts rotating first. |
rotateStartRange | 0 | The lowest part of the range the laser can rotate in. |
rotateEndRange | 0 | The highest part of the range the laser can rotate in. |
rotateAccel | 0.2 | How fast the laser slows down / speeds back up upon reaching an edge of the rotate range. |
rotatePause | 0 | How long the laser waits after reaching an edge of the rotate range before moving again. |
doSFX | true | If the spawner plays the shooting sound when spawning the laser or not. |
init | 1 | |
phase | 1 | |
timer | 0 | |
startingRotateSpeed | 0 | |
currentRotateSpeed | 0 | |
rotateDir | 0 | |
startAngle | 0 | |
rotateStartRangeTurn | 0 | |
rotateEndRangeTurn | 0 | |
laserCount | 0 | |
realAngle | image_angle |
variable names in bold are safe to set in creation code.
Name | Value | Description |
frozen | 0 | |
boss | 0 | boolean, is it a boss |
faction | 3 | Used for entities colliding with each other |
healthpointsStart | 1 | the amount of damage that must be dealt to the Entity before it dies. |
healthpoints | healthpointsStart | |
contactDamage | 1 (*) | the amount of damage the Entity does to the player on collision. |
canHit | false (*) | Boolean. If false, the entity won't take damage. |
canDamage | true | If false, the entity won't deal damage |
isTargetable | true | If false this object will be ignored by the targeting system |
spawnEnabled | true | if this is false, object will never spawn, but will remain dead instead. |
pierces | 2 | 0: destroyed when hits. 1: destroyed unless kills. 2: never destroyed |
penetrate | 0 | 0: reflectable. 1: not reflectable, but no damage. 2: bypasses shields |
attackDelay | 0 | |
category | "" | |
hitTimer | 0 | counts how long it has been since the last time it took damage |
iFrames | 0 | |
ignoreBullet | 0 | special case for ignoring a bullet when reflecting it (thunder beam) |
killOverride | true | special case for special kill effects ala BHB or Tornado Blow |
hitterID | 0 | the ID of the object that last hit this entity |
respawn | true | If this is false, the entity will permanently be destroyed if it is ever dead. If true, it will respawn any time it scrolls on-screen. |
dead | false | |
shiftVisible | 0 | |
noFlicker | false | If set to true, depth modulating will be disabled for this object. |
respawnRange | -1 (*) | distance beyond edge of view at which entity spawns if dead. Set to -1 to make infinite |
despawnRange | -1 (*) | distance beyond edge of view at which entity despawns if alive. set to -1 to make infinite |
beenOutsideView | false | in order to respawn, this must be set to true. It is set to true when the spawn co-ordinates of the entity surpass both the despawn and respawn range. |
inWater | 0 | |
bubbleTimer | 0 | |
xspeed | 0 | |
yspeed | 0 | |
grav | 0 (*) | |
ground | true | |
blockCollision | false (*) | should the movement scripts block this object's movement at walls? If false, this object will be able to phase through walls. |
dieToSpikes | false | |
sinkin | 1 | |
xcoll | 0 | |
ycoll | 0 | |
epIsOnPlat | 0 | |
itemDrop | 0 | This object will be spawned once the entity dies |
stopOnFlash | true | |
iceTimer | 0 | is iced (frozen cold), and how much remaining time to spend iced |
canIce | true | is it possible to ice this object (usually doesn't matter if canHit is false) |
invincible | false | set this to true to make this enemy invincible no matter what |
sparkleTimer | 0 | |
doesTransition | true | carries mega man through transitions |
isSolid | 0 | do other entities see this entity as a solid (i.e. a moving platform). 0: not solid. 1: fully solid. 2: top-solid. |
fnsolid | 0 | if set to true, will only be solid to entities of faction that it is friendly towards. set it to 2 for the opposite |
spawned | -1 | parameter for spawn event; -1 indicates never spawned |
deadTimer | 0 | |
target | noone | the enemy object this entity currently sees as its primary target. Useful for programming any kind of enemy AI which responds to the player. |
behaviourType | 0 | The strategy the enemy should use to pick which player to target 0: generic 1: always nearest 2: switch every few seconds 3: custom 4: pick once, never switch |
facePlayerOnSpawn | false | |
facePlayer | false | |
specialDamageValuesTotal | 0 |
* value is modified from the default for prtEntity.
variable names in bold are safe to set in creation code.